Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sarah and I don't have any set pet names for each other, although we do have a handful of dumb joke ones, and a couple we occasionally use just to annoy each other (like "Shitbox").

It would take too long to explain why, but one of the sets of joke pet names we have for each other is Poopsie and Mayonnaise. The short version is, they just sound like ridiculously over-the-top babytalk pet names.

Sometime during the last year, during the writing process for the new You Don't Know Jack game, the idea that the host character, Cookie Masterson, would have two pet cats seeped into the game, and they pop up from time to time in the console versions, mostly in a recurring question type about weird dreams Cookie has where his cats play parts from movies.

Anyway, those cats needed names so... I named them Poopsie and Mayonnaise.

They only pop up maybe a half dozen times in the game, but they're Sarah's favorite questions. "Poopsie and Mayonnaise!," she'll yell, "That's us!"

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