Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Snowpocalypse." The biggest blizzard to hit Chicago in 30 years. They say. Normally I would have stayed home and avoided the whole thing, but I had a doctor's appointment downtown that ran long, dipping into early-blizzard-time.

Since I was already downtown, I picked Sarah up from work and we slowly slowly drove home up Lakeshore Drive in the blinding snow and bumper to bumper traffic.

Me: I spy with my little eye... hmm... something white.
Sarah: Is it... snow?
Me: Yes.
Sarah: Oh good. Okay. I spy with my little eye... something white!
Me: Is it that taxi?
Sarah: No.
Me: Is it snow?
Sarah: Yes.
Me: Dammit! Okay, okay.. I spy with my little eye... something... white.
Sarah: Is it snow?
Me: No.
Sarah: Is it that taxi?
Me: Yes.


Anonymous said...

I assume you didn't get stuck on LSD, which is fortunate. -Forsythe

Walking Into Pictures said...

We didn't get stuck, but we were on it for an hour and a half between Chicago and Lawrence. The people who were about half a mile behind us got stuck. We're very lucky. Also VERY stupid.