Sunday, February 27, 2011

One of my favorite things about the old You Don't Know Jack games were the fake commercials that played during the credits. And one of my favorite things about working on the newest version of the game was writing and producing some of those commercials.

So, if you buy the game (and really, you should, jerk), listen closely for my voice and Sarah's voice as well as the voices of Megan, Marla and Nick (not to mention all my co-workers). My favorite commercial that I wrote is one where a man (voiced by Nick) has bought radio airtime to tell the world how much he hates one man, named ____ Hansen.

I thought Hansen would get a kick out of hearing his name in the credits of the game, and having someone say that he's a terrible person and everyone should hate him. We actually needed Hansen to sign a release form, which he did, gladly.

And now it's amusing to see, on Facebook and Twitter, the bit spreading. People posting, "I hate _____ Hansen."

I wonder if Hansen will someday grow to regret it.

1 comment:

Young said...

I started this trend years before the game.