Sunday, September 12, 2010

We had originally planned to stay in our hotel room in Galena one extra day after the wedding. Stay behind as everyone headed back to Chicago or back to Ohio or various other locations. But I talked Sarah into driving back today, to give us a little time to prepare for our honeymoon.

Our first married negotiation.

Leaving town, though, she seemed sad. Maybe she wasn't ready to leave the wedding behind just yet.

We stopped at Oak Hill, the farm that had housed our ceremony and reception to pick up some things we'd left behind. After loading up the car we walked back into the tiny chapel that the day before had been full to bursting with family and friends but now was empty and quiet. We stood in the aisle for a moment, looking around. Sarah's eyes teared up a little.

"I'm going to miss our wedding," she said. "I feel like I'm already forgetting the memories I'm making."

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