Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's a rushed trip, but luckily we had some time to see my friend, Brett, who lives in L.A. We didn't have much time, though, and were stuck kind of in the middle of nowhere, so we ended up eating at a Sizzler.

Sarah: Sizzler is a real place?
Me: I only know it as a joke reference. I always assumed it was some place that shut down in the '80s.
Brett: No, it's very real. It's not even underground. It's all over out here. Wow, I haven't been in one of these in a long time. I grew up in a very large family, so we never really went out to restaurants, except as a special occasion on your 8th and 12th birthday. I went with my parents to a Sizzler for my 12th.
Me: Why 8 and 12?
Brett: They're big birthdays in the Mormon faith.
Me: Ah yeah, I forget that you were raised Mormon.
Brett: 8 is baptism and 12 is receiving the priesthood.
Me: Wait, you're a priest?
Brett: An Aaronic priest. Not to be confused with an ironic priest, although I suppose I'm that too. Aaronic, as in passed down from Aaron.
Me: And your birthday's coming up in a couple days, too, isn't it?
Brett: Well, yeah...
Me: Dinner's on me. One more birthday at the Sizzler. 8, 12 and...?
Brett: 33. Thank you. I guess 33 could be a big birthday for the Mormons.
Me: Why's that?
Brett: Jesus.
Me: Oh yeah.

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