Friday, July 9, 2010

North Carolina.

Sarah and I flew. Glynn, Young and Steve drove 13 hours through the night. But we all met up to eat some truly spectacular southern barbecue.

A week before I had joked with Megan that I was going to send her annoying texts the day before the wedding. She said that would be fine, as long as it was just the day BEFORE. So I sent texts like, "Do you know what channel is HBO in the hotel rooms?"

Me:[reading some texts out loud] Okay, so I wrote, "The hotel toilets aren't big enough for my dumps. Help!"
[chuckles from the group]
Me: And Megan just wrote back.... "Try Steve's mouth."
[big laughs from everybody]
Steve: Aw man.
Me: That's our Megan.

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