Friday, July 23, 2010

Still trying to figure out what to do for our honeymoon. We put it off until now because our (unrelated to wedding) schedule was up in the air. And now we're putting it off just because it's hard.

It doesn't help that it will be hurricane season.

We're narrowing in on some possibilities, trying to do research, but like most of the getting-married process, it requires some scary leaps of faith.

Internal Monologue: This place seems good. I think. The pictures look nice. It's rated well here... but not so well over here. Hmm. Maybe if I read all 437 of these online customer reviews I can definitively know if we'll like it or not. Huh... well, the majority of people liked it, but a few people absolutely hated it. And one person mentioned snakes. They said lots of people got bit by snakes. I don't like snakes. That's just one review, if it were real problem wouldn't at least one other review mention snakes? Maybe we should just pick something. Snakes!


Anonymous said...

Agua Vista in Montezuma Costa Rica. Affordable, and fucking awesome:

Unknown said... - it's pretty great.