Thursday, May 20, 2010

We had our first lost engagement ring scare.

Sarah: I can't find it. I know it's in the apartment, though. I remember... last night... I was doing... something... and I took it off and set it down and I remember thinking, "This is not a place where you normally put your ring. Don't forget it." But now I can't find it. Oh no, what if it's gone?

It really didn't seem to be anywhere. I said, "Don't worry, we'll find it tonight, it will turn up," even though, honestly, the doubt was starting to creep in. Could it have gone out with the trash?

Then, as I was leaving for work, I looked down, and there it was between the kitchen counter and the trash can. A particularly unsettling spot. You can see it in this picture if you look closely.

I walked over to where Sarah was still searching.

Me: Before I go... [holding up ring] Will you marry me?
Sarah: You found it!
Me: See, you were right, I did propose to you again.

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