Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pretty much every time I use my passport as an airport ID I get some kind of comment on the picture. Once a very large but friendly woman said, "Ooo... you look like George Clooney." Another time, a checkpoint guard said, "You look like that guy that cuts people's heads off... Sylar," and then nonchalantly waved me through security.

Today, the older woman at the security checkpoint at the Bob Hope Airport, gave me a good natured ribbing about not looking much like my photo. "What happened here?" she asked, making a beard gesture on her face.

"Oh, I had to shave it. She didn't like it," I said, gesturing over to where Sarah was taking off her shoes.

The woman laughed to herself and made a I-Ain't-Sayin'-NOTHIN' face.

"If I kept it I wouldn't get any kisses!"

The woman, still inaudibly chuckling in a slightly put-on way, gave me a look as if peering over the top of her glasses even though she wasn't wearing glasses and said, "Well, I'm working, I'm not allowed to saying anything."

So, people seem to like the picture. 50% of my trips through security yield some kind of strange compliment. Which is flattering. Except that the subtext is always, "So, what happened? Why don't you look like that now?"

1 comment:

stonelake said...

heh- I don't think I look like you much, but I notice that we get the same "looks like" people. Which is weird. Do you ever get Adam Carolla?

Loving the blog...